can prevacid cause green poop

Q&A: What can cause an exclusively.
06.10.2012 · "After I went to the bathroom today I was surprised to discover my stool (poop) was green! What can cause this? Should I be worried? Should I call the doctor?"
I have been suffering from constant 'pressure' type headaches for almost 2 years now. I have been to numerous doctors and tried almost every medicine to no avail. A
can prevacid cause green poop
Can Iron pills cause green poop? - Yahoo!. - Facts About Poop
Find out what causes green poop and if you have any reason to be worried about passing a green stool.
Green Bile Stool What Foods Cause Green Stool Can alcohol cause green mushy poop?.
Q&A: What can cause an exclusively breastfed baby to have green poop? - Have a question about your baby's poop? Visit for more information.
can prevacid cause green poop
What Can Cause Green Stool Or Green.
02.10.2008 · Best Answer: yes i does and when your poop is green that's a good thing iron pills generally cause constipation--although you will still poop it will
Welcome to, Facts on Farts and Poop! Send Smelly Poop to your enemies or mean friends! Choose from Bird Poop, Rabbit Poop, Cat Poop, Dog Poop, Horse
19.02.2010 · Best Answer: You got drunk, and alcohol has to be metabolized in the liver, which produces bile that colors stool brown. An overtaxed liver would not